Flexible Learning Meets Immersive Experience: Hybrid 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training


Transform Your Practice, Deepen Your Knowledge, and Become a Certified Yoga Teacher

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will transform your life and yoga practice? Our hybrid 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) program offers you the flexibility to learn at your own pace online, paired with an immersive in-person retreat in the serene beauty of Goa, India.


Why Choose This YTT?


1. Hybrid Learning Flexibility 

  • Our program combines the best of both worlds—online learning that fits into your schedule and a transformative, hands-on experience during our 15-day retreat in Goa. Study from the comfort of your home and deepen your practice with immersive, in-person sessions. 

2. Expert-Led Guidance

  • We are a team of seasoned yoga teachers who blend traditional wisdom with modern practices. You'll gain insights from their years of experience, receiving guidance that is both rooted in tradition and relevant to today's yoga landscape.

3. Inclusive and Accessible Curriculum

  • Yoga is for everyone. Our curriculum is designed to be inclusive, offering modifications and adaptations for all body types, abilities, and backgrounds. We embrace diversity and cultivate a welcoming environment where every student is encouraged to thrive. 

4. Culturally Sensitive Teaching

  • We honor the roots of yoga by teaching with cultural awareness and respect. Our program emphasizes the importance of understanding and sharing yoga in a way that respects its origins, ensuring that you teach with integrity.

5. Integration of Ayurveda

  • Enhance your practice with the wisdom of Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science. You’ll learn how to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into your teaching and personal life, offering a holistic approach to wellness and health.

6. Immersive Retreat in Goa

  • Join us from March 1-15, 2024, in Goa for a retreat that will deepen your practice and connect you with the rich cultural heritage of yoga. This retreat is more than just training—it's a life-changing experience in one of India’s most beautiful locations.

7. Community and Connection

  • Build lifelong connections with a diverse group of like-minded individuals. Our YTT fosters a supportive community where you can share your journey, learn from others, and grow together as a family.

8. Holistic Personal Development

  • Our program goes beyond the physical aspects of yoga, delving into philosophy, meditation, pranayama, and self-inquiry. You’ll leave not just as a yoga teacher, but as a well-rounded individual ready to inspire others.

9. Ongoing Support and Mentorship

  • Your journey doesn’t end when the training does. We provide ongoing mentorship and resources to support you as you begin teaching, ensuring you continue to grow and develop in your yoga career.

10. Certification and Global Recognition

  • Upon completion, you will be certified with a 200-hour Yoga Alliance certificate, recognized globally. This certification opens doors to teach yoga anywhere in the world.

What's Included:


Comprehensive Online Learning:

  • Access to all course materials, including videos, readings, and assignments. 

15-Day Immersive Retreat in Goa:

  • Shared occupancy accommodation, all meals, daily yoga practice, workshops, and community activities.

200-Hour Yoga Alliance Certification:

  • Recognized globally, allowing you to teach yoga worldwide. 

Ongoing Support:

  • Access to mentorship and resources post-training.
  • Monthly Q&A sessions to check in and reconnect with your training community

Program Details

  • Dates: Online Training Begins
    January 10,2025.
  • In-Person Retreat:
    March 1-15, 2024



Hybrid 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Online Schedule

Date Duration Time (EST)
January 10, 2025 4 hours 4-8 pm
January 11, 2025 6 hours 12-6 pm
January 12, 2025 6 hours 12-6 pm
January 24, 2025 4 hours 4-8 pm
January 25, 2025 6 hours 12-6 pm
January 26, 2025 6 hours 12-6 pm
February 7, 2025 4 hours 4-8 pm
February 8, 2025 6 hours 12-6 pm
February 9, 2025 6 hours 12-6 pm
February 21, 2025 4 hours 4-8 pm
February 22, 2025 6 hours 12-6 pm
February 23, 2025 6 hours 12-6 pm

Hybrid 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum


The Roots of Yoga: A Historical Perspective

  • Explore the origins of yoga, tracing its evolution from ancient traditions to modern practices.
  • Understand the cultural and philosophical foundations that have shaped yoga over millennia.

Applying Yoga Philosophy to Real-World Challenges

  • Learn how to apply key yogic principles to navigate life’s complexities with grace.
  • Discover practical tools for integrating yoga philosophy into everyday decision-making.

Yoga in Practice: Integrating Social Justice

  • Explore how yoga can be a catalyst for positive social change and justice.
  • Understand the role of yoga in fostering inclusivity, equality, and community engagement.

Ethical Considerations in Yoga: Navigating Complexities

  • Delve into the ethical dilemmas that yoga teachers may face in their practice.
  • Gain clarity on how to navigate challenging situations with integrity and wisdom.

Understanding the Physical Body: Anatomy and Physiology

  • Deepen your knowledge of the body’s structure and function to enhance your teaching.
  • Learn how anatomy informs safe and effective yoga practice for all students.

The Mind-Body Relationship: Insights from Neuroscience and Psychology

  • Explore the connection between the mind and body through the lens of modern science.
  • Understand how neuroscience and psychology can enhance the benefits of yoga practice.

Exploring the Subtle Body: Energy and Beyond

  • Delve into the layers of the subtle body, including chakras, nadis, and energy flow.
  • Learn how to work with these subtle energies to deepen your yoga practice and teaching.

Breathing Practices: Pranayama Techniques

  • Master various pranayama techniques to control and enhance your breath.
  • Understand the profound impact of breathwork on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Mindfulness and Meditation Practices

  • Cultivate mindfulness and meditation as tools for inner peace and clarity.
  • Learn techniques to develop a consistent and transformative meditation practice.

Ayurveda: Balancing with the Elements

  • Explore the principles of Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, for holistic health.
  • Learn how to balance your body and mind through the understanding of doshas and elements.

Asana Lab: Personalized Alignment

  • Refine your asana practice with personalized alignment techniques.
  • Gain insights into adapting poses to meet individual needs and abilities.

The Art and Science of Crafting Sequences (Hatha/Vinyasa)

  • Learn the principles of sequencing to create balanced and effective yoga classes.
  • Understand how to design sequences that cater to different levels and intentions.

Restorative Yoga Practice

  • Discover the healing power of restorative yoga for deep relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Learn how to guide students into restorative postures that support rest and recovery.

Creating Accessible and Inclusive Yoga Spaces

  • Explore strategies for making yoga accessible to diverse populations.
  • Learn how to create a welcoming environment that embraces inclusivity in your teaching.

Teaching Methodology: Developing as a Yoga Teacher

  • Develop your unique teaching voice and style through guided practice and feedback.
  • Learn effective teaching techniques that resonate with and inspire your students.

Understanding and Using the Language of Yoga

  • Deepen your understanding of Sanskrit terms and their meanings in the context of yoga.
  • Learn how to effectively communicate yoga’s philosophy and practices to your students.

Injury Prevention in Yoga

  • Understand the common causes of injuries in yoga and how to prevent them.
  • Learn techniques for guiding students safely through their practice to avoid harm.

Hands-On Teaching Experience

  • Get practical experience by teaching real classes under the guidance of experienced mentors.
  • Receive constructive feedback to refine your teaching skills and build confidence.

Ethical Marketing and the Business of Yoga: Ongoing Support and Mentorship

  • Learn ethical marketing strategies to build a successful and authentic yoga business.
  • Benefit from ongoing mentorship to navigate the challenges of teaching and business development.

Meet Your Teachers


VikramJeet Singh







Vikramjeet Singh

Vikram took his first asana class at Modo Yoga in the fall of 2006 and right away fell in love with the practice. After regularly practicing for about a year and a half, he finished the 500-hour Modo Teacher Training in Kerala, India in March 2008.  

After teaching part time for a few months, Vikram decided to switch careers and ultimately left his HR job to pursue a full-time teaching career. Vikram has taught at various Modo locations in the GTA since November 2008. Over the course of the years, he has accumulated over 11,000+ hours of teaching experience. His love of teaching has taken him to various Modo locations in the US and Canada.

In addition to his years of experience with Modo, Vikram has completed a 200-hour Ashtanga Yoga certification with David Robson of the Ashtanga Yoga Center of Toronto in 2008. During his time there, Vikram was a regular practitioner and co-taught the evening Mysore program. As part of his practice, Vikram continues to study and practice with Sharath Jois in Mysore when possible. Vikram received authorization from Sharath Jois to teach the primary series in July 2022.

To balance out the challenging hatha and vinyasa practices of Ashtanga and Modo, Vikram was introduced to yin yoga which very quickly became part of his practice. To support his desire to share that practice, Vikram completed his training with Bernie Clark in November 2015 and is a certified Yin Yoga Teacher.

His passion for all things yoga led him to pursue studies in Ayurveda as well. Vikram is an Ayurvedic practitioner having completed his studies from the Kripalu School of Ayurveda. A strong advocate of the Ayurvedic lifestyle, Vikram shares his knowledge and passion in various workshops and yoga teacher trainings. 

Having grown up in India, Vikram was always fascinated with the rich history and stories from Indian mythology which were a big part of his childhood. His passion for mythology and deeper desire to study Yoga History & Philosophy has led to further studies with various teachers in North America and India.  

Vikram is currently the lead faculty for Modo Yoga Inc where he teaches modules on the history of yoga along with the wisdom of the Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads. Besides that, he lectures at YTT’s and conducts online mentorship courses and workshops for teachers and practitioners to help bring yoga in every aspect of their lives.

A strong advocate of diversity & inclusion, Vikram consults yoga teachers and studios on cultural appropriation, decolonization and inclusion in yoga and related spaces. 

Vikram loves to share his culture and experience of growing up in India, and believes that all practitioners at some point, should visit the birthplace of Yoga. To support that initiative, he conducts annual retreats to India. 

Vikram currently lives in Goa, India with his daughter, Satya, who continues to inspire and teach him about life every day.



As a healthcare professional with a unique outlook on therapeutics, Iysha approaches her work from an integrated, body-based perspective. Her work includes tools such as clinical somatics, myofascial release, therapeutic mobility, nervous system regulation techniques, yoga, and yoga therapy. With a decade’s worth of experience in the field, Iysha takes an therapeutic and evidence-based approach to her work.

 In her private clinical practice, Iysha provides quality rehabilitative care to her patients through acupuncture/dry needling, soft tissue release and manual therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, kinesiology taping, and yoga therapy.

Iysha is a clinical Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), and a 500hr Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500). She is also a member of the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) and a graduate of the McMaster University Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program, supported by the university’s Department of Anesthesia.

In addition, Iysha provides accredited continuing education (YACEP®) to yoga teachers and pilates instructors in the areas of applied musculoskeletal anatomy, nervous system physiology, and myofascial release.



Megan is an ERYT 500hr certified instructor and forever student, with trainings focused on the philosophies of yoga, vinyasa, ashtanga, yin, mindfulness and meditation. A fascination with childbirth led Megan to a focus on prenatal yoga for a time, and she became a certified birth doula. She is passionate about teaching the importance of intelligent sequencing, and honouring our individual bodies while maintaining an element of challenge.

Yoga has been a huge part of Megan’s life for the last 17 years in many ways, as well as teaching yoga and asana for the last 12. Bringing people together and facilitating community and connections is her calling, and she has been blessed to be able to do this through her studio The Attic Yoga in Kitchener, Ontario as well as through running global retreats over the past decade. 

Megan also collaborates with other large companies to create, facilitate and host big events and retreats on their behalf, including The Museum DTK, The Hyatt and Langdon Hall.

Megan has been lucky enough to combine her love of travel with her passion for yoga with wellness retreats and teacher trainings worldwide including Nicaragua, Portugal and Morocco to name a few. When she is not traveling you can find Megan at her studio running classes, events and trainings. The Attic is a studio based first and foremost on the facilitation of community. The Attic has won awards for best studio every year since it’s inception, including a year when the studio was homeless, operating out of a photography studio off hours just to have somewhere to practice….proof that the magic is truly in the connections and the community, not in the walls that hold them. 


Early Bird Price


(Regular Price: CAD$3300)

  • Pay a non-refundable deposit of CAD$250 to secure Early Bird Price.
  • Early Bird Deadline: October 15, 2024

Pay In Full Bonus


(Regular Price: CAD$3300)

  • Pay In Full Bonus: September 28, 2024

Enroll Now & Save!

This is your chance to take a significant step in your yoga journey. With limited spots available and the Early Bird discount ending soon, now is the time to secure your place in this transformative training.

Join us in making yoga accessible, inclusive, and deeply rooted in tradition. We can’t wait to welcome you to our YTT family!